Monday 13 March 2017

Week 3

Phew, I survived another week!  Half way through week 2 and I was craving crunch. Not crunch as in more freaking celery but crunchy as in crackers or crisps.
Mmm..  but I held off and made it through.
Sunday night had be craving a piece of fresh crusty bread with butter ...mmmm but nope, I didn't have any!

Lost another another 3kg this week, so weight is down a total of 7kgs.

Monday 6 March 2017

Week 2 and I survived the first week!

Woot woot, I survived the first week and the world kept on turning if I my tummy gurgled with hunger and I was a crabby bitch due to it!

In total I lost 4kg's which is awesome. Totally worth the suffering!

The first day was I so hungry by 4pm that I was considering munching on their noisy little selves but I resisted and topped up with an extra low-carb bar instead.

By the end of day 2, I had lots of cramps from stomach wind and I think I pooped about a thousand times - slight exaggeration by that's what it felt like at the time!

Day 3 & 4 I had 'flu like' symptoms and a ruddy headache but I suffered through. I read the faq on the diet's website that stated it might happen.

Then it was day 7 and it was the first trip away from home all day .. eek. I stuffed my bag full of low-carb bars and we found an open-air cafĂ© so the kids & hubby could eat their lunch whilst I had a cup of tea!  I stole a small piece of ham off the youngest plate because I couldn't resist!

I only cheated a tiny bit on the last night, I had to cook cupcakes for my son's school lunch box and there a tiny bit on the edge of the cupcake tray that looked yummy & I ate that little bit and felt freakin' guilty!

Anyway, I survived the first week and have now started the second week already.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Week 1, midweek progress

Oh my gosh, I'm so hungry and my tummy is bloated & gurgly (is gurgly a word?).

I just jumped onto the companies website of the shakes that I'm using and it says that my tummy should settle down either today or tomorrow and it's just my body reacting to a mega change of diet.  I hope it settles down soon!

The first day was hard, by 4pm I was STARVING having only 'eaten' 3 shakes that day and a cucumber and 3 cups of tea and numerous glasses of water. I was so hungry that I was shaking and I had to head home and start to prep the kids dinner, so I cheated. I think I cheated in a good way, I had a slice of ham and then grabbed a low-carb diet bar and it made me stop shaking. 
I ended up lying on the bed by 9pm with tummy pains, I ended up having a "Inner Health" probiotic tablet to settle my tummy and then two "De-Gas" tablets to ease the pain!

Day two was hard too but I found that if I added in that extra low-carb bar that I could get through the day without shaking.  I still ended up having the "Inner Health" probiotic tablet & 2 "De-Gas" tablets to ease my tummy pains.

Day three, well, so far so good..but it's only midday!