Monday 6 March 2017

Week 2 and I survived the first week!

Woot woot, I survived the first week and the world kept on turning if I my tummy gurgled with hunger and I was a crabby bitch due to it!

In total I lost 4kg's which is awesome. Totally worth the suffering!

The first day was I so hungry by 4pm that I was considering munching on their noisy little selves but I resisted and topped up with an extra low-carb bar instead.

By the end of day 2, I had lots of cramps from stomach wind and I think I pooped about a thousand times - slight exaggeration by that's what it felt like at the time!

Day 3 & 4 I had 'flu like' symptoms and a ruddy headache but I suffered through. I read the faq on the diet's website that stated it might happen.

Then it was day 7 and it was the first trip away from home all day .. eek. I stuffed my bag full of low-carb bars and we found an open-air cafĂ© so the kids & hubby could eat their lunch whilst I had a cup of tea!  I stole a small piece of ham off the youngest plate because I couldn't resist!

I only cheated a tiny bit on the last night, I had to cook cupcakes for my son's school lunch box and there a tiny bit on the edge of the cupcake tray that looked yummy & I ate that little bit and felt freakin' guilty!

Anyway, I survived the first week and have now started the second week already.

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